Case Study 1 – Retrofit Fresh Food Sealing Machine for new Pottle Shape

Our client was a fresh food supplier who was packaging food using specialised Italian pottle sealing machinery. They wanted to change their pottle shape to a different size to meet a new market opportunity.

The cost to buy a new Italian machine was prohibitive, so they approached Absolute Tooling to see if we could retrofit their existing machine to match the new pottle shape.

We modelled up the existing machinery and then designed new parts based on the new pottle shape. We then machined the new parts, and fitted them. We trialled the modified machine on site with the client, and they were delighted with the result.

If you have machinery that needs modification or repair to make it operational and efficient for your purposes, give us a call.

Email or call for a free quote

Happy Customers

Matta Products Ltd have had tooling built at ATS since 1991.

The majority of these tools are 1.5 tonne and over. Not only are they large and also complex in design, the quality is first class.

In recent years we have looked at and been tempted by the cheap tooling prices available from China. In the end we have always stuck with the ATS team, due to the service, design expertise, and input into product development.

We also see them as a vital support industry to our business and see them as a top tool making company in New Zealand.
Tim Scott - Matta Products Ltd
